CFC / Corona Virus Guidelines
In light of growing concern over the Corona Virus Pandemic, Christ's Fellowship Church is issuing the following statement.
Christ's Fellowship Church will continue to gather together to worship the Lord this Sunday, March 15, 2020 at 10:30am. We feel strongly that now is a time, as the body of Christ, not to be given to fear (1 Timothy 1:7) and we are trusting the Lord, that He will keep us all safe. As we are trusting Him, we also feel strongly that we, as His people, are to be wise (Matthew 10:16, James 1:5) and take necessary and practical precautions to prevent anyone from the potential spread of the Corona Virus. Therefore, for the rest of the month of March and April we will adhere to these 8 guidelines.
1. We will practice limited or no human contact
While we typically enjoy greeting one another with warm embraces and hand-shakes, for the immediate future we will warmly greet one another with words only.
2. All door handles in all our buildings will be wiped down with sanitizer prior to our worship times. All bathrooms as well will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with Lysol.
3. All rooms for infants and youth will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with Lysol prior to our worship times.
4. All people caring for infants and working with youth will thoroughly wash their hands immediately prior to their ministry time and immediately after. All people caring for infants and working with youth will also make ready use of hand sanitizer and gloves where available.
5. Anyone who feels sick with a cough or any flu like symptoms is strongly recommended to stay at home and be advised by medical experts.
6. Anyone who is aware they have come into contact with someone who may have had the Corona Virus is strongly recommended to stay at home and be advised by medical experts.
7. Anyone who is immunocompromised or might be susceptible to the Corona Virus
is strongly recommended to stay at home and be advised by medical experts.
8. Always cover a cough or sneeze with your elbow and frequently wash your hands thoroughly.